A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This is a game I made in about a month for a friend of mine (girlfriend's nephew who is 9). It was loosely inspired by DICE's Battlefront series. There are two modes: singleplayer, a sort of survival mode against droids, and a multiplayer mode, which is just a race to 10 kills. Players in multiplayer are assigned either the Jedi or the Confederation factions, based on the order in which they join the game.

LAN Multiplayer instructions:

  • Follow the server instructions here: https://github.com/Jriles/cloneWarsGameServer to get the server downloaded and running on your network.
  •  Once the server is running, boot up the game client downloaded from here
  • Click the multiplayer and enter the host's local IP address. If you downloaded and ran the server on your machine, this is your machine's IP address. 
    • Share the host's IP with any other players joining the match. Enter this on the multiplayer menu screen as well as a gamer tag.
  • The game will only start once all players have joined the match. Match size is covered in the above GitHub link/instructions.
  • ONE ISSUE WE HAD: If you are connected to a wifi extender, and the host/other players are connected to another extender/core network, you will not be able to play together. Please connect to the same network.

Single-player instructions:

  • Click single player from the main menu.
  • Shoot the droids. They should arrive in waves. There are 10 waves.
  • Boom you win!

Some things I'm proud of in this game:

  • Third-person shooter/camera issue (where do the lasers go/come from?)
  • Multiplayer that doesn't use Unity's framework
    • all kinds of problems around syncing state on multiple clients
  • Post-processing on the graphics
  • Animations: there is a complete(ish) suite of animations (walking/shooting/taking damage/dying) all made possible by Mixamo.
    • There's a story about how I got introduced to this program I won't bore you with but it defines serendipity.
  • Speed of development. This is not my cleanest code, but it is one of the fastest projects I've worked on.
  • multithreaded programming


cloneWarsGame.zip 854 MB
cloneWarsGameMac.app.zip 423 MB


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Note that the zip for windows represents a folder, and in it there is a .exe file. Click on the exe, do not move it out of the folder before executing the exe file.